Closed-Door Discussion on the 2015 Singapore NVA (IPS News)

Published on
17 August 2015
On the 23 July 2015, the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) partnered Singapore-based business consulting firm aAdvantage Consulting Group to discuss the findings of the 2015 National Values Assessment (NVA 2015), a survey conducted by the latter and the Barrett Values Centre (BVC) on Singaporeans’ views on society and their workplaces. The presentation of the findings by Phil Clothier, Chief Executive Officer of BVC, was followed by remarks from discussants Lim Siong Guan, Founder of Honour (Singapore) and Adjunct Professor of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, and Ho Meng Kit, Chief Executive Officer of the Singapore Business Federation. This ended with a free-flowing discussion with more than 30 participants from the public, private and civic sectors.
Click here to download the report.