Our Research & Insights Services

Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty Surveys
do our customers feel about our customer experience?
our customers loyal and willing to promote our brand or speak positively?
must we do to improve customer loyalty?
What should we focus on?
A customer loyalty survey goes beyond measuring your customers’ satisfaction. It is a measure of the emotional bond your organisation/business/ brand has with its customers. Businesses and organisations with a high customer loyalty index benefit from repeat sales, higher average sales per customer, easier service recovery and friend referrals/word-of-mouth.
Our certified Net Promoter Score Associates are able to help our clients design the data collection process and measure NPS®. Post survey, our consultants are also able to facilitate action planning sessions with the relevant stakeholders to identify actions to address immediate service gaps or develop a mid to longer-term targeted customer loyalty strategy such as a rewards programme.
We also believe that is it important to continue to measure customer satisfaction at the touchpoint, product or service levels. Our analytics also focuses on how the touchpoint, product or service experience drives the overall desired customer experience and the Net Promoter Score™.
We have designed and administered B2C and B2B customer surveys for our clients in the public and private sectors across industries. To support our Customer Experience & Cultural Transformation practice, another key objective of our surveys is to establish how customers feel and what emotions impact the customer experience.

Stakeholder/Customer Interviews & Focus Group Discussions
do our customers really feel about our customer experience?
do our customers feel this way about our experience?
are the challenges our stakeholders/customer face?
To understand the “whys” and nuances of the customer experience from their perspective, it is always good practice to hear directly from our stakeholders/customers. Our skilled facilitators are able to quickly establish rapport to facilitate a meaningful dialogue to gather insights.
In-depth interviews entail conducting one-on-one discussions and focus groups involved a small group of 6 to 8 stakeholders/customers. The purpose of these discussions is to gather relevant knowledge and insights, understanding of customer opinions, values, assumptions and beliefs about the product or services experience. This can uncover issues as well as future service offerings or comments as part of the pilot testing phase.

Mystery Shopping or Audits
our service personnel executing our Desired Customer Experience?
there opportunities to improve the customer experience?
Mystery audits/shopping enables you to view your organisation from your customers’ perspective. Are organisation standards and practices aligned? Our mystery shoppers are trained to assess every customer touch-points including and not limited to call centres, customer service counters, on-site front service, storefront, email, website. Our mystery audit/shopping initiative starts with understanding your expected and desired service excellence standards and practice. We design various scenarios that a ‘real’ customer experiences and assess the standards based on the organisation’s desired standards as well as benchmark against competitors and/or industry standards.
Our trained mystery shoppers observe and record reactions during their entire experience with your organisation: first impressions, navigation, selection of products, etc. Thereafter, our consultants will recommend strategies and actionable improvements to address service delivery gaps. We have designed and conducted mystery audits for both public sector agencies and private sector clients in retail, hospitality, food & beverage, entertainment and attractions industries.

Employee Engagement & Climate Surveys
do our staff feel about the work environment?
our staff willing to speak positively of our company?
must we do to improve the employee experience?
should we focus on to improve staff retention?
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to engaging your employees. Employers need to create the right environment to enable engagement to flourish in the workforce. What is the right environment? Knowing the drivers of engagement is the first step towards creating a strategic and focused employee engagement programme that will yield the desired results.
We work with our clients to administer the aAdvantage Consulting standard set of employee engagement survey questionnaire or develop a bespoke set of questions to understand the current state in the organisation. We analyse the level of engagement at the team and/or organisational level. A well-designed survey will also enable us to uncover promoters and inhibitors of employee engagement and positive word of mouth.
Since 2011, we have been conducting a Singapore Workforce Engagement Survey (SWES) to enrich our benchmarking data and knowledge of the Singapore working population. We are in particular interested to understand the level of staff engagement in our local enterprises and we publish our findings through our white papers. Each year we interview 2000 employees working in Singapore across 21 industry sectors. If you are interested in the study, do view our Singapore Workforce Engagement Survey.
Prior to embarking on a Human Capital & Cultural Transformation initiative, we kick off the project with understanding the current state, to understand what the current inhibitors or promoters of staff engagement are. This helps us when we work with our clients to design the appropriate human capital policies and processes. The feedback through the surveys and focus groups enables us to consider the appropriate change management approach in the implementation phase.

Cultural Values Assessment
do we change our culture? Where do we begin?
our culture support our strategy? What is holding us back?
serious are the dysfunctions in our culture and what can we do?
Your culture is either your biggest asset or your biggest liability. Strong and aligned cultures inspire employees to go the extra mile and attract and retain talent even through hard times. Where does your organisation stand? A culture values assessment (CVA) measures your current organisational behaviours, principles and practices and how aligned they are to the desired values, business strategy and goals. It helps us identify the conflict, friction and frustration that exits within an organisation.
Our consultants are accredited to conduct and interpret your organisation culture through the use of Barrett Values Centre’s suite of Cultural Transformation Tools. Interviews and/or focus groups with various individuals and groups across levels are typically conducted following a Culture Values Assessment (CVA). With the right questions and effective facilitation skills, these sessions can enrich the quantitative data collected during the CVA and uncover new insights on the organisation’s culture.
Every three years since 2012, we conduct a nation-wide National Values Assessment (NVA) to understand the values and motivators of the Singapore workforce. This study helps us understand Singapore as a society as well as how Singapore residents feel about their current and desired workplace. For a copy of the findings for 2012, 2015 and 2018 read more at here.

Employee Focus Group Discussions
do our staff really feel about our culture and work environment?
are the challenges our staff
face at work?
are key motivators of
staff retention?
To understand the “whys” and nuances of the employee experience from the staff perspective, and further uncover root causes of dissatisfaction in the workplace, we strongly recommend the conduct of small group discussions with staff. Our skilled facilitators are able to quickly bring the group through a process to identify the key areas of interest and identify insights.
Our team of consultants have designed and facilitated both small groups as well as large groups (e.g. World Café approach) discussions to achieve the desired objectives. These discussions are at times designed to complement a quantitative study. If so, then the findings of both the quantitative and qualitative methods are integrated to provide a holistic perspective of the topic(s) of interest.