2-Day Successful Change Management in Transformations

Do You Face These Difficulties When Implementing Change?

Rolled out new strategies and technological solutions and yet experiencing sub-optimal results?

Employees lack psychological safety and are not receptive to change?

Organisation Culture is inhibiting the effective implementation of change initiatives?
Is It Common For Change Initiatives To Fail?
Yes! 66% of change initiatives fail as the organisations are likely to experience:
Outcomes or objectives not achieved
Project delays
Project abandoned
Productivity declines
Loss of valued employees
Extra costs and risk
History of failed change
Source: Gartner 2018
What to Expect From The 2-Days Workshop?
Key learning points that organisations can expect to take away after 2 days:

How your world-view / beliefs (of yourself, team, and environment) influence the way you lead change

How to address the human-side of change

Identify Promoters and Inhibitors of change

From Vulnerability-based trust to Results
How does this programme help me in Change Management?
The Overall Objective Of The Course Is To Equip Participants With The Knowledge And Skills Needed To:
Navigate the business in the age of digital disruption focusing on Leading Culture and Change Management
Lead with context; build trust and solicit buy-in through positive conflict.
Establish commitment and hold one another accountable to organisation / team result.
Imbue agility in change management, as part of transition management.

Proposed 2-Day Successful Change Management Outline
Day 1 Workshop (Morning):
"Begin from I, then to We"
Today's reality and corporate aspirations
Organisation transformation begins with leadership transformation
Values Unite, Beliefs Divide
Whole-systems change, beginning with leadership team commitment
Day 1 Workshop (Afternoon):
The Way We Work
Measuring and managing culture
Promoters and inhibitors to change
psychological safety in teams / organisations
Day 2 Workshop (Morning):
Leading the Human-Side of Change
Using the ADKAR Model to drive personal change
Management by context
Listening for perspectives
Holding one another accountable
Day 2 Workshop (Afternoon):
Leading the Organisation-Side of Change
Kotter's 8 Steps of Organisation Change
The Change Network
The Change Plan
Contact Us
2 Bukit Merah Central, #18-03
Singapore 159835
Tel: +65 6853 2658
Fax: +65 6468 3686